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Tulane Law graduation honors resiliency of the Class of 2024
Amid fanfare and celebration, Tulane Law School said goodbye to its 173rd graduating class, the Class of 2024, which overcame the early stages of the COVID pandemic and Hurricane Ida, forcing the start of their law school journey online. Tulane Law conferred degrees on more than 300...
A portrait honoring Lawrence Ponoroff, the 21st Dean of Tulane Law School, who guided it through the challenging days following Hurricane Katrina, was unveiled April 12 before faculty, students, alumni, and his friends and family.Speaking at the unveiling, current Law School Dean David Meyer paid... Read more
Tulane is launching its first-ever Giving Day on Wednesday, April 18 and the Law School is taking part and encouraging alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends to come together and #GiveGreen during this 24-hour period. We are fortunate enough to have several law alumni issuing giving... Read more
A portrait honoring Lawrence Ponoroff, the 21st Dean of Tulane Law School who guided it through the challenging days following Hurricane Katrina, will be unveiled Thursday. The unveiling will take place at 4:30 p.m. at the law school’s Wendall H. Gauthier Appellate Moot Court Room, 110, in John... Read more
Constitutional scholar Akhil Reed Amar gets people stirred up over his ideas about the document. He’s been described as provocative yet “as comfortable across the table from Clarence Thomas as Stephen Colbert.” Federal appellate Judge Richard Posner once called Amar “an entertaining writer” but an... Read more
A veritable Who’s Who list of entertainment executives descended on Tulane Law School in April for a major conference examining the rapidly shifting frontiers of the entertainment industry. The conference featured a keynote discussion on the future of Film and Television entertainment between... Read more
Maritime law students in Prof. Raymond Waid’s Cargo class are about to enter tough negotiations on how to move goods from one country to another by sea. They’ll enter these mock negotiations April 5 with one bonus not afforded them in real life: Each team will get a coach from CMA CGM, one of the... Read more
A distinguished maritime arbitrator and professor of legal practice who has served as an international maritime judge is the featured speaker of the William Tetley Lecture in Maritime Law on Tuesday April 3, at Tulane Law School.Prof. Anselmo Reyes of the University of Hong Kong will lecture on “... Read more
The East Coast’s latest Nor’easter this week brought snow and headaches to Philadelphia, but a gift to Tulane Law students: Judge Felipe Restrepo (L ’86), in town to preside over Tulane’s Moot Court Honorary Round and  grounded in sunny New Orleans for two days, volunteered to help teach oral-... Read more
  On those tablets are the names of some of the best-known Tulane Law graduates, many of whom went on to have distinguished careers that enabled them to influence cases – and law-making -- around the globe. In recent years, however, through lack of funding and dedicated alumni involvement, the... Read more
New SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson wants greater, and more prompt, disclosure of cyber security breaches at publicly-traded companies, he said Thursday during the 30th annual Tulane Corporate Law Institute. Jackson, the two-day event’s keynote speaker, hinted that the SEC – on the heels of... Read more
America’s democracy has given more weight to individual voices in selecting presidential candidates in the last century – diminishing the role of political parties – and that may not be a good thing. That’s the conclusion of Tulane Law’s McGlinchey lecturer, Prof. Richard Pildes of New York... Read more
For the second year, Professor Ann Lipton is gathering top corporate and securities scholars from around the country to explore changes in the industry at the Tulane Corporate Law Conference March 17. The event will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Tulane Law School’s John Giffen Weinmann Hall, Room... Read more
Tulane Law School in the spring launched the Tulane Center for Energy Law, under the direction of the inaugural McCulloch Chair in Energy Law, Prof. Kim Talus. Talus, considered one of the most prominent energy lawyers in Europe, is spearheading the major new investment in energy law studies at... Read more
Tulane Law School is hosting a two-day conference that will explore the legal and practical challenges of racial reconciliation around the world. The event March 16-17 is titled, “A Conference of Global Perspectives: Regimes of Redress and Reparations, Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law”... Read more
Tulane’s Journal of Law & Sexuality is hosting a symposium on legal issues in the LGBT community on Friday, March 16.Titled “Reviewing the Past, Anticipating the Future,” the symposium runs from 1 to 6 p.m. at Tulane Law School’s John Giffen Weinmann Hall, 6329 Freret St., Room 157.  A... Read more
