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Tulane Latinx Law Student Association (TULLSA)

Tulane Latinx Law Student Association (formerly La Alianza del Derecho)  is the Latino interet legal alliance at Tulane Law School. It promotes networking and professional development among the Hispanic law students at Tulane and with Hispanic attorneys in the U.S. and Latin America. La Alianza coordinates recruitment efforts with the Admission Office and works with currently enrolled Hispanic students to enhance academic performance, to provide career opportunities, and to provide a forum for Latino interest. TULLSA is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association student division and with the Louisiana Hispanic Lawyers Association. TULLSA sponsors educational programs and is involved in community service projects with Latinos in the New Orleans community.


Manolo Torres-Llompart mtorresllompart@tulane.edu

Vice President

Alan Diaz-Santana


Alexa Villareal


Pablo Gonzales

Social Chair Media

Salome Rivera

Community Services Chair

Alejandra Castillo