Robin Dunford

Career Counselor

(504) 862-8458


Robin Dunford is a native of New Orleans and graduated from Benjamin Franklin High School.  She received her undergraduate degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara and is a graduate of Tulane Law School.  Dunford is barred in Louisiana and Florida and worked in private practice for over 20 years, in both large and small firms.  

She most recently practiced with the national firm Litchfield Cavo LLP. Robin’s practice areas have included employment discrimination, general litigation, and casualty defense. During her practice, she was the principal drafter of a successful Application for Writ of Certiorari to the Louisiana Supreme Court, which reversed the trial court’s denial of summary judgment: Bufkin v. Felipe’s Louisiana, LLC, 2014-0288 (La. 10/15/14), 171 So.3d 851.  She is also an active volunteer with Catholic Charities, assisting recent refugees to the United States.