Health & Well-being

Both the Law School and the University offer a variety of resources to help students develop skills to navigate the stress of law school and to thrive during their time at Tulane and beyond.

Resources for Law Students

We recognize that law students face many pressures and difficult decisions in their law school years. The Law School provides services to support the health and well-being of Tulane Law students, including:

  • Mindful Lawyering Program
  • Drop-in mindfulness and yoga sessions
  • Professional & Personal Development Program
  • Wellness Wednesdays
  • Study Breaks and Recesses
  • Student-led Wellness Weeks 
  • The Dean Rufus Harris Fellow Program

University Resources

Our location on Tulane University’s main campus makes it easy to take advantage of the wellness and health programs that are offered by Tulane University’s Division of Student Affairs to help students get the most out of their Tulane experience. CAPS for Counseling Services, located a five-minute walk from the Law School, provides students with up to 12-annual sessions with therapists and psychiatrists, as well as group sessions. If you are interested in being connected to a mental health provider off campus, you can visit Dean Gaunt or contact CAPS' Care Coordinator. The Health Center for Student Care, also located on Tulane’s Uptown Campus, offers preventative and urgent care appointments and has a pharmacy on campus.  All services provided by CAPS and Student Health are confidential.   

Students can also take advantage of the numerous wellness programs offered through theWell.  If at any time you encounter a challenge you're not sure how to handle, Student Resources and Support Services is available to support you. Their services include student conduct as well as case management and victim support services.

Law students also are members of the Reily Center, Tulane University’s fitness center, which is located on Tulane’s uptown campus.