Simulations and Boot Camps

Through partnerships with practitioners, alumni, and faculty, Tulane offers hand-on skills training that enhances student readiness for practice.

Trial Advocacy

Trial Advocacy prepares and trains students in advocacy skills for litigation. The students participate in intensive role playing of simulated trial problems.  Subjects covered during the course are:  jury selection, opening statements, direct and cross examination, exhibits and demonstrative evidence, impeachment and rehabilitation, examination of expert witnesses, closing arguments, and preparing the trial notebook.  The faculty includes experienced trial lawyers and judges, who rotate through each section so that students will be exposed to a variety of views and ideas.  Each student tries a jury trial at the conclusion of the course.

Negotiation and Mediation Advocacy

The Negotiation and Mediation Advocacy course exposes students to the process of negotiation as a pervasive lawyering activity. The course increases awareness of the technical, interdisciplinary, and ethical dimensions of the negotiation process and introduces the concept of the lawyer’s role as problem-solver. The course enables students to experiment with and consider thoughtfully the various theories, forms, and techniques of negotiation and mediation advocacy and provides students an opportunity to assess their own capabilities within those contexts. The faculty includes experienced lawyers and mediators.

Intersession Boot Camp

The Intersession program is designed to be an intensive skills training "boot camp" experience. Tulane offers a week-long Intersession for 2Ls and 3Ls each January, with the objective of helping students learn the skills that will enable them to hit the ground running when they take on their first legal jobs. Students who participate in the Intersession Program will signal to future employers their readiness for practice, and employers view these courses as Tulane's commitment to provide students the skills employers value.

There are 3 tracks: Transactional Boot Camp, Pretrial Civil Litigation Boot Camp, and Pretrial Criminal Litigation Boot Camp. The classes are taught by an excellent slate of practitioners from both our local legal community and around the country.