
Tulane is committed to providing equal access and a friendly environment for all who study and work at Tulane Law School. 

The Goldman Center for Student Accessibility serves as the central campus resource for Tulane students with documented disabilities or disability-related concerns.  The Goldman Center offers accommodations and modifications of the academic or work environment to students and employees with psychological, medical/physical, and learning/developmental disabilities.

Students who believe that they require reasonable course or examination accommodations should connect with the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility as early as possible, as the review process takes 2-3 weeks to complete.  During the disability registration process, the Goldman Center helps students articulate their needs, engages with students in an interactive discussion about possible accommodations, and assists students in communicating any approved accommodations to the appropriate administrator at the Law School.  At the Law School, Assistant Dean of Students Abigail Gaunt is responsible for implementing accommodations.  

If you have any disability-related questions or concerns, you can contact the Goldman Center at 504-862-8433 or Dean Gaunt.