Robert St. Martin Westley
LOCHEF Professor of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility

Education & Affiliations
Robert Westley is LOCHEF Professor of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility at Tulane University Law School in New Orleans. His research and teaching interests are in the fields of critical race theory, constitutional law, philosophy of law, law and literature, and the legal profession. He is the author of Restitution Claims for Wrongful Enslavement and the Doctrine of the Master’s Good Faith in THE SOCIAL AND LEGAL CONSTRUCTION OF WHITENESS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY ANALYSIS, University of Mississippi Press (2016) as well as First-Time Encounters: “Passing” Revisited and Demystification as a Critical Practice, 18 Yale Journal of Law and Social Policy 297 (2000). He is currently working on a book on reparations for historical injustice. Professor Westley is a 2021 recipient of the Tulane University Provost’s Award for Excellence in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
Selected Publications
Restitution Claims for Wrongful Enslavement and the Doctrine of the Master’s Good Faith, in The Social and Legal Construction of Whiteness: An Interdisciplinary Analysis (University of Mississippi Press, 2016).
Restitution Claims for Wrongful Enslavement and the Doctrine of the Master’s Good Faith, 3 Br. J. Am. Leg. Studies, (2014)
Constitutional Formalism Denies Aid to Legal Immigrants, JURIST - Forum, March 17, 2012, Can Affirmative Action and Reparations Co-Exist? Univ. of Miami Black L. Rev. (2009).
Sexual Orientation, 4 Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States 389 (2008).
What Would Make Atticus Finch Flinch? 1 FAMU L. Rev. 91 (2006).
The Accursed Share: Genealogy, Temporality, and the Problem of Value in Black Reparations Discourse, 92 Representations 81 (Fall 2005).
Foreword: Bridging the Public/Private Law Divide in African-American Reparations Discourse, 55 Rutgers L. Rev. 2 (Winter 2003).
Reparations and Symbiosis: Reclaiming the Remedial Focus, 71 UMKC L. Rev. 419 (Winter 2002).
Critical Race Coalitions: Key Movements that Performed the Theory, 33 UC Davis L. Rev. 1377 (2000) (co-authored with Sumi Cho).
First-Time Encounters: “Passing” Revisited and Demystification as a Critical Practice, 18 Yale Journal of Law and Social Policy 297 (2000).
LatCrit Theory and the Problematics of Internal/External Oppression: A Comparison of Forms of Oppression and InterGroup/IntraGroup Solidarity, 53 Univ. of Miami L. Rev. 761 (July 1999).
Many Billions Gone: Is it Time to Reconsider The Case for Black Reparations, XL Boston College Law Review 429 (1998).
Historicizing Critical Race Theory’s Cutting Edge: Key Movements that Performed the Theory in CRITICAL RACE THEORY: HISTORIES, CROSSROADS, DIRECTIONS, Temple University Press (2000).
Introduction to Panel Two: Races, Nationalities, Ethnicities: Mapping LatCrit (Dis)Continuities, 2 Harvard Latino Law Review 243 (1997).
White Normativity and the Racial Rhetoric of Equal Protection, in EXISTENCE IN BLACK: AN ANTHOLOGY OF BLACK EXISTENTIAL PHILOSOPHY edited by Lewis R. Gordon (New York and London: Routledge, 1996).