Diversity & Inclusion

We strive to be a multicultural, multi-ethnic, tolerant and inclusive community. Students, faculty, and staff from broad backgrounds create an atmosphere where every individual is welcomed, supported, and encouraged to succeed.

For more information please contact Tracie Ransom, Assistant Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at transom1@tulane.edu

1957 John Minor Wisdom appointed

Students study in the law library

In 1957, John Minor Wisdom, Tulane Law School class of 1929, was appointed and confirmed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, becoming a leading jurist for the desegregation of the South.

1968 Michael Starks

Students study in the law library

In 1968, Mr. Michael Starks became the first African-American graduate of the Law School.

1989 Law & Sexuality Journal founded

Students study in the law library

In 1989, Law & Sexuality, the first student-edited law review in the United States devoted to issues of concern to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, was founded.

1990 Pro Bono Requirement

Students study in the law library

In 1990, Tulane Law School graduated the first class to complete a pro bono requirement by serving underrepresented individuals and communities, thereby becoming the first law school in the United States to mandate pro bono work as a graduation requirement.