Tulane maintains international exchange programs with universities around the world to develop firsthand experience with foreign procedures, laws, practice, education and culture.
Because international exchange partnerships change from time to time, the list of universities listed in the brochure above should be viewed as representative and not definitive.
Outgoing Tulane JD Exchange Students
Tulane students enjoy the opportunity to study law, learn languages and gain work experience abroad through a concentrated network of institutes, exchanges, job opportunities, and international alumni within the Tulane family.
Arrangements are in place for Tulane law students to spend the fall or spring semester at international universities listed in the brochure below:
Read the Fall 2025-Spring 2026 International Exchange Program Manual
Outgoing Exchange Program Application
In most cases, Tulane students spend one semester at the international exchange partner university, receiving 12 to 14 credits toward the Tulane JD for successful completion of the semester’s work. Law students from the exchange-partner universities also have the opportunity to spend one or two semesters at Tulane Law School.
Incoming International Exchange Students
Tulane Law welcomes students from partner institutions to study in the fall or spring semesters. Students may earn 10-12 credit hours (approximately 3-4 courses) during their exchange semester that may be transferred to their home institution.
Students must be nominated by their home university and then apply directly to Tulane Law School. Students will receive application instructions once their nomination has been received.
Please see our Factsheet below to assist students with preparing to spend a semester at Tulane Law School.
International Exchange Factsheet
Exchange students may take any course offered by the Law School, subject to the prerequisites for any given course, with the exception of certain clinical and skills-related courses. Please see our Course Descriptions Page.
Tulane Law School holds a month-long orientation program for LL.M. and international exchange students before the fall semester. Exchange students are encouraged to enroll in this program. The Orientation Program includes the Introduction to US Law course, tours and activities around New Orleans and networking events with faculty and alumni. Exchange students receive waived tuition for the orientation program.
Tulane University also offers a month-long summer Intensive Language course for international students in the month prior to the orientation program.
International Exchange to LL.M. Transfer Program
International exchange students from Tulane Law’s partner institutions are also eligible for the Exchange Semester to LL.M. Transfer Program. Please visit our International Exchange to LL.M. Transfer Program Page for more information.