Summer 2020 Course Offerings

Tulane Law School's 2020 Summer Abroad programs have been canceled.

The following courses will be offered through remote instruction during the Summer 2020 session:

Course Dates Times Exam
Advanced Persuasive Writing
Sackey—2 cr. experiential (FULL)
May 18–Aug 11 T 6:00–8:05 pm n/a
Centuries of Failure, Years of Success:
Legal Regimes for the Protection of Cultural Property

Larson/Davis, T.—3 cr. seminar
May 18–July 8 M/W 6:00–8:05 pm n/a
Constitutional Criminal Procedure: Investigation
Hancock—3 cr.
May 18–June 25 M-F 11:00 am–12:15 pm July 2, 9:00 am
Contract Drafting
Boudreaux—2 cr. experiential (FULL)
June 2–July 30 T/Th 11:00 am–12:35 pm n/a
Friedman—3 cr.
May 18–June 25 M-F 9:30–10:45 am June 30, 9:00 am
Legal Profession
Katner—3 cr.
May 18–June 25 M-F 8:00–9:15 am June 29, 9:00 am
Antitrust and Labor Issues in College Sports
Feldman—2 cr.
June 16–August 11 Tu/Th 5:00 –6:30 pm CT August 13, 5:00 pm
Tulane-Humboldt Summer Program in
Intercultural Negotiation and Mediation

Fedtke et al.—3 cr. experiential
July 6–July 31 M/W/F 9:00 am–1:00 pm August 3, 9:00 am

Summer Externship**
Hlass—3 cr. experiential

May 18–July 24 n/a n/a
Summer Externship, Advanced**
Hlass—3 cr. experiential
May 18–July 24 n/a n/a

** Tulane law students only

Students interested in adding any of these courses should contact Law Academic Services at to register.

Tulane students are limited to 9 credit hours per summer session. A maximum of 12 summer credits can be applied toward the JD degree.

Tulane Law School typically has a limited number of places available for visiting students from other law schools. Please consult the Visiting Students page for more information.