Alumna Nina King is Duke’s new AD. She has a lot of advice for women in law

Tulane Law alumna Nina King (L’05) made history this summer when she was named the new athletic director at Duke University, becoming the first Black woman to hold the position, and only one of three Black women AD’s among Power 5 schools.

During more than13 years at Duke, King has served as the chief operating officer for Duke Athletics, with oversight over human resources, recreation and physical education, legal and regulatory affairs, as well as strategic planning and special projects. She also oversees Duke's women's basketball and football programs.

She shares that experience regularly with Tulane Law students, through visits and symposiums, and through student mentorships with the Tulane Sports Law Society. This time, she graciously agreed to an interview about her career path as part of the Tulane Sports Law Program’s Diversity Spotlight Series.

Her interviewer is none other than Kayla Williams (L’23) a world champion gymnast, collegiate gymnastics champion and now, Tulane Law student. Nina King is her mentor.