14th Annual International Conference on Contracts
March 8th & 9th, 2019
Tulane University School of Law is pleased to host the 14th Annual International Conference on Contracts (KCON XIV), the largest annual scholarly and educational conference devoted to Contracts and related areas of commercial law. The two-day conference welcomes contracts scholars and teachers of all experience levels, as well as those preparing to enter the academy and scholars whose primary teaching appointments are not in law schools.
The conference affords an opportunity to present and discuss ideas on a wide range of topics at every level of development, including recently-published articles, articles accepted for publication but not yet in print, works in progress, thought experiments, preliminary ideas, and pedagogical innovations. It also provides an opportunity to network with colleagues and potential collaborators or mentors from around the country and other parts of the world.

KCON XIV Lifetime Achievement Award

Robert Hillman, the Edwin H. Woodruff Professor of Law at Cornell Law School has written extensively on contracts and contract theory, the Uniform Commercial Code, and related jurisprudence. His articles have appeared in the Stanford, NYU, Columbia, Chicago, Michigan, Northwestern, Duke, and Cornell law reviews, and he is the author of The Richness of Contract Law (1997), the fourth edition of Principles of Contract Law (2018), and is a coauthor of the Sixth Edition of White, Summers, and Hillman, Uniform Commercial Code (2012 through 2014). In addition, he is a co-editor of the casebook, Summers, Hillman, and Hoffman, Contract and Related Obligation (7th edition 2016).
A 1972 graduate of Cornell Law School, Hillman clerked for two federal judges in the Southern District of New York. After private practice with Debevoise & Plimpton in New York City, he began his teaching career at the University of Iowa College of Law. Hillman joined the Cornell Law School Faculty in 1982, and, in addition to teaching and authoring or co-authoring several major contracts and commercial law works, he served as Associate Dean from 1990-1997.
Hillman chaired the planning committee of two AALS contracts conferences (1989 and 2005) and one AALS workshop on International Business Transactions (1999). An arbitrator, consultant on commercial litigation, and the Reporter for the American Law Institute's Principles of the Law of Software Contracts 2009), Hillman teaches contracts, commercial law, and the law of e-commerce. He also teaches a class on the nature, functions, and limits of law for Cornell University's Government Department
Call for Papers and Abstracts
We cordially invite your submissions for the conference. Papers and works in progress are welcome from those who study contracts from any perspective and any approach. Presentations at past conferences have included studies from doctrinal, theoretical, empirical, historical, economic, critical, international, comparative, pedagogical and interdisciplinary perspectives. All are welcome once again. In light of Louisiana’s civil law tradition, we encourage papers and presentations comparing civil law and common law treatment of contract issues. Junior scholars are particularly encouraged to participate, both as presenters and commentators.
Individual submissions on any topic in Contract law are welcome. In addition, anyone interested in proposing and organizing a panel of 3 to 5 presenters on a specific theme is strongly encouraged to do so.
Individual submissions and panel proposals should be made in the form of a brief abstract—a single page is sufficient. In the case of individual submissions, please provide a brief summary of the paper or work in progress and include contact information for the author. Individual submissions will be placed on panels with similar submissions. Panel proposals should include the name and contact information of the moderator or organizer and a summary of the proposed papers, works in progress, or presentations.
There is not yet any publication commitment for the conference, and organizers of individual panels are free to arrange for separate publication.
Papers, abstracts and proposals should be sent to Professor Mark B. Wessman by e-mail: mwessman@tulane.edu. A link to a public folder containing conference papers and related materials will be supplied closer to the beginning of the conference.
The deadline to submit an abstract is Monday Dec. 10, 2018.
Proposals submitted earlier will be accepted on a rolling basis. Proposals submitted after the deadline will be accepted as space remains available.
Conference Registration Fees
Registration fees include:
- Breakfast and Lunch Friday and Saturday
- Dinner Friday Evening for Registrant (subject to additional charge for spouse/guest)
- Morning and Afternoon Refreshments During Breaks
Payment of the registration fee is necessary for all attendees, including those who make presentations. Payment of the fee is necessary to cover conference expenses, including meals.
To Register: Click here
Conference Hotel
Astor Crowne Plaza New Orleans French Quarter
739 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
The hotel is located at the intersection of Canal and Bourbon Streets, at the edge of the historic French Quarter.
Room Rate: $159.00 (Exclusive of state and local taxes, currently at 15.75%, plus $2.00 per night occupancy fee).
Room Availability: The Astor Crowne Plaza is holding a block of rooms for the nights of Thursday, March 7, 2019, through Saturday, March 9, 2019. As a full day of panels is planned for both Friday and Saturday, participants are encouraged to arrive on March 7. Participants who wish to stay over Saturday night are particularly encouraged to book early, as the room block for Saturday night is smaller.
Cut-Off Date: February 12, 2019. Reservation requests received after 5:00 P.M. CST on the cut-off date will be accepted, based on room availability, at the Hotel’s prevailing rates.
Cancellations: Cancellation fees will apply to cancellations within 72 hours of arrival date and for check-out prior to scheduled departure date.
By Phone: 1-877-408-9661. Use the group name, “KCON 14.”
Online: Click here.
Parking: Although shuttle transportation will be provided to and from the conference and hotel, should you wish to drive to New Orleans, the hotel’s parking rates are $47 per day.
Cut-Off Date: February 12, 2019. Reservation requests received after 5:00 P.M. CST on the cut-off date will be accepted, based on room availability, at the Hotel’s prevailing rates.
Cancellations: Cancellation fees will apply to cancellations within 72 hours of arrival date and for check-out prior to scheduled departure date.
Hotel Contact: Myrtle Haynes - mhaynes@astorneworleans.com.
Tulane Law School will provide shuttle transportation between the Astor Crowne Plaza and the Law School in the morning before the conference schedule begins and in the late afternoon after the conference schedule concludes on March 8 and 9. Attendees who prefer to stay elsewhere are responsible for their own transportation, as are attendees who wish to travel at other times of the day.
The conference program will begin at 8:45 A.M. on Friday and 9:00 A.M. on Saturday. Continental breakfast and conversational opportunities will start earlier. The conference will continue until late afternoon both days. A more detailed schedule (subject to further possible changes) is here: KCON XIV schedule.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Professor Mark B. Wessman
(504) 865-5989
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