Dean Meyer's Message to Students May 29

Dear Students:

I hope this e-mail finds you well.  This afternoon, President Fitts announced the University’s plans for safely reopening classes on campus this Fall (below).  He noted that Tulane’s professional schools will be developing their own specific plans, consistent with the broader principles and guidance announced by the University.  Accordingly, I am following up here with an update on the developing plans for reopening the Law School this Fall.

Like the University, the Law School will resume campus operations and in-class instruction with the start of the new academic year in August.  As noted in President Fitts’ message, the Law School’s academic calendar (including the first day of class and the schedule for final exams) is likely to be slightly different from the dates announced by President Fitts for undergraduate instruction.  While we have not yet finalized the Law School’s calendar, we anticipate that classes will begin in mid-August with the goal of ending instruction before Thanksgiving.

We are now working on detailed plans to ensure that law students enjoy the benefits of a robust, on-campus educational experience this Fall.  Our on-campus experience may look a little different, but we are working to provide you with the most comprehensive in-person classroom experience safely possible.  At the same time, we are outfitting Weinmann Hall to enhance remote participation and recording as necessary for those who cannot always attend in person. 

A Reopening Working Group, made up of faculty and administrators, is meeting regularly to craft a comprehensive plan for resuming on-campus instruction consistent with public health directives and University guidance.  In addition, we have formed a special COVID-19 Dean’s Advisory Committee to gather input from students.  The student members include Tommy Barnett, SBA President; Alexandre Petit, SBA Communications Chair; Shane Thomas, 3L Class President; Sergio Ingato, SBA Vice President; Oliver Lawrence, 2L Class President; Alyssa McCain, SBA Finance Chair; Kristen Shaw, SBA Chair of Student Affairs; and Jessie Shifalo, SBA Chair of Social Affairs.

You can find further and continually updated information about the Law School’s developing plans and other resources available to students here:

We understand your need to know the start dates for classes as soon as possible and will continue to update you as our plans take shape in the coming days.  Of course, I welcome your input, by e-mail directly or through the student representatives on the COVID Dean’s Advisory Committee.  In the meantime, please know that our plans will be guided by an unyielding commitment to the health and safety of all members of our community and to the high-quality experience that has always made a Tulane Law education special.

Let me take this opportunity to thank and congratulate you again on the strength and determination you’ve demonstrated in adapting to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.  I very much look forward to welcoming you back in the Fall!

Best wishes,

David Meyer

Dean and Mitchell Franklin Professor of Law