Scott R. Bickford

Adjunct Professor of Law

Co-Director, Trial Advocacy (Spring)


Scott R. Bickford, a principal in the New Orleans firm of Martzell, Bickford & Centola, practices primarily in the areas of environmental, oil and gas, toxic tort and personal injury law. He also has represented candidates in Louisiana elections, most notably New Orleans Mayors Mitch Landrieu and Ray Nagin, New Orleans City Councilwoman Jackie Clarkson, U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu and more recently Mayor Adrian Perkins of Shreveport, Louisiana. 

Professor Bickford has been the lead counsel in multiple class action cases involving environmental damages. He represented crew members aboard the Deepwater Horizon, including the family of a worker killed in the 2010 oil rig explosion, and has represented numerous public entities in claims for environmental damage He has provided expert testimony and been appointed as a special master in a variety of cases and frequently lectures on environmental law, trial tactics and election law topicsProfessor Bickford has been a Director of Trial Advocacy since 2014.