
Volume 30 | Summer 2022, Issue No. 2



The Regulation of Force Majeure in the Contract Laws of Gulf States: Private Law as Investment Law

Ilias Bantekas 

The Challenges of Subduing Insurgency in Restive and Dysfunctional Societies: Lessons from Nigeria's Experience with Boko Haram

Okechukwu Oko

Reining in Impunity: A People's Tribunal for the Arab-Spring Gender-Based Crimes

Hilmi M. Zawati


The Department for Communities in Northern Ireland: The European Court of Justice Leaves Its Legacy in the United Kingdom, But Its Decision Could Impact the Rightst of EU Citizens

Bryan Applefeld

SIreland and Apple v. Commission: The General Court Annuls European Commission Judgment on Unlawful State Aid, Signaling Era of Scrupulous Fact Investigation in EU State Aid Cases

Jade Davis

AFederatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging v. Uber B.V.: The Court of Amsterdam Introduces the "Modern Employment Relationship"

Logan B. Fontenot

Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Qatar v. U.A.E.), The ICJ Limits the Applicability of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 

Sophia Miller