Mateusz Grochowski

Associate Professor of Law

Office Address

Education & Affiliations

Yale Law School (LLM)
Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (PhD)
University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska, (MA)


Mateusz Grochowski is a renowned scholar on comparative private law and law and technology.

He came to Tulane Law from the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law where he was a Senior Research Fellow. Previously he was an Emile Noël Fellow at New York University School of Law, a Fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and at Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center at the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University and a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence.

Currently, he also is an Affiliated Fellow of the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, a member of the European Law Institute and a member of the Society of European Contract Law.

Grochowski focused his work on contract theory and consumer law in intersection with digital technologies and received scholarships and research grants from a number of institutions, including the Yale University (Fox International Fellowship), the European Commission and the German-Italian Center for European Dialogue (Villa Vigoni). He has written extensively on contract law, comparative law, and consumer protection. He is also an expert on law and digital technologies, online platforms, including social media, and market regulation. In his spare time, he also looks into the relations of classical music, jazz, and law.

He has served as lecturer in private law at the Universities of Münster and Hamburg and as guest professor at the Università Bocconi in Milan. Additionally, he sits on the editorial board for the Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law and the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law.

Selected Publications 

Price personalization and the law: A road map, in The Cambridge Handbook of Algorithmic Price Personalization and the Law (Fabrizio Esposito & Mateusz Grochowski eds., 2024) (forthcoming) (with Fabrizio Esposito)

Price personalization vs. contract personalization, in The Cambridge Handbook of Algorithmic Price Personalization and the Law (Fabrizio Esposito & Mateusz Grochowski eds., Cambridge University Press 2023) (forthcoming) (with Fabrizio Esposito & Antonio Davola)

Enforcement of Consumer Law, in Research Handbook on the Enforcement of EU Law 349 (Miroslava Scholten ed., 2023) (with Christine Riefa)

Freedom of speech, consumer protection and the duty to contract, in Civil Courts and the European Polity. The Constitutional Role of Private Law Adjudication in Europe 123 (Chantal Mak & Betül Kas eds., 2023)

Knowledge Gap in Contract Law, 3 Oxford Studies in Private Law Theory (2023) (forthcoming)

Platforms as creators of alternative systems of contract rules, in Enforcing Private Regulation in the Platform Economy (Federica Casarosa & Mateusz Grochowski eds., 2024) (forthcoming)

Algorithmic Price Discrimination and Consumer Protection. A Digital Arms Race?, 4 Technology and Regulation 36 (2022) (with Agnieszka Jabłonowska, Francesca Lagioia & Giovanni Sartor)

Digital Vulnerability in a Post-Consumer Society. Subverting Paradigms?, in Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law (Camilla Crea & Alberto De Franceschi eds., 2024) (forthcoming)

The Consumer Benchmark, Vulnerability, and the Contract Terms Transparency: A Plea for Reconsideration, 18 European Review of Contract Law, 1 (2022) (with Fabrizio Esposito)

Algorithmic transparency and explainability for EU consumer protection: unwrapping the regulatory premises, 8 Critical Analysis of Law 43 (2021) (with Agnieszka Jabłonowska, Francesca Lagioia & Giovanni Sartor)

Towards a Renaissance of Price Control in Contract Law? Preliminary Observations on COVID-19 and Price Regulation on the Consumer Market, in Coronavirus and the Law in Europe 891 (Ewoud Hondius et al. eds., 2021)

European Consumer Law After the New Deal: A Tryptich, 38 Oxford Yearbook of European Law 387 (2020)

Freedom of Contract on Crossroads: The Struggle over the Concept of Contract Liberty in 20th Century Poland, 66 Osteuropa-Recht 34 (2020)

The majoritarian concept of default rules: towards a shift in paradigms?’, 15 Studia Prawa Prywatnego (Studies in Private Law) 63 (2020)

Stefan Grundmann & Mateusz Grochowski, Creation of Norms – an Evolutionary View on European Contract Law, in European Contract Law and the Creation of Norms 3 (Stefan Grundmann & Mateusz Grochowski eds., 2020)

Mateusz Grochowski, Default Rules Beyond the State, in S. Grundmann, M. Grochowski (eds.), European Contract Law and the Creation of Norms in European Contract Law and the Creation of Norms 227 (Stefan Grundmann & Mateusz Grochowski eds., 2020)

The Cambridge Handbook of Algorithmic Price Personalization and the Law (Fabrizio Esposito & Mateusz Grochowski eds., 2024) (forthcoming) 

Enforcing Private Regulation in the Platform Economy (Federica Casarosa & Mateusz Grochowski eds., 2024) (forthcoming)  

European Contract Law and the Creation of Norms (Stefan Grundmann, Mateusz Grochowski eds., 2020) 

Empirical insights into personalised pricing, in Empirics and Consumer Law in Changing Markets (Vanessa Mak, Kimia Heidary & Gitta Veldt eds., 2024) (forthcoming) (with Fabrizio Esposito & Kimia Heidary) 

Knowledge Gap in Contract Law, 3 Oxford Studies in Private Law Theory (2023) (forthcoming) 

Enforcement of Consumer Law, in Research Handbook on the Enforcement of EU Law 349 (Miroslava Scholten ed., 2023) (with Christine Riefa) 

Freedom of speech, consumer protection and the duty to contract, in Civil Courts and the European Polity. The Constitutional Role of Private Law Adjudication in Europe 123 (Chantal Mak & Betül Kas eds., 2023) 

Algorithmic Price Discrimination and Consumer Protection. A Digital Arms Race?, 4 Technology and Regulation 36 (2022) (with Agnieszka Jabłonowska, Francesca Lagioia & Giovanni Sartor) 

Digital Vulnerability in a Post-Consumer Society. Subverting Paradigms?, in Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law (Camilla Crea & Alberto De Franceschi eds., 2024) (forthcoming) 

The Consumer Benchmark, Vulnerability, and the Contract Terms Transparency: A Plea for Reconsideration, 18 European Review of Contract Law, 1 (2022) (with Fabrizio Esposito) 

Algorithmic transparency and explainability for EU consumer protection: unwrapping the regulatory premises, 8 Critical Analysis of Law 43 (2021) (with Agnieszka Jabłonowska, Francesca Lagioia & Giovanni Sartor) 

Towards a Renaissance of Price Control in Contract Law? Preliminary Observations on COVID-19 and Price Regulation on the Consumer Market, in Coronavirus and the Law in Europe 891 (Ewoud Hondius et al. eds., 2021) 

European Consumer Law After the New Deal: A Tryptich, 38 Oxford Yearbook of European Law 387 (2020) 

Freedom of Contract on Crossroads: The Struggle over the Concept of Contract Liberty in 20th Century Poland, 66 Osteuropa-Recht 34 (2020) 

The majoritarian concept of default rules: towards a shift in paradigms?’, 15 Studia Prawa Prywatnego (Studies in Private Law) 63 (2020)