Diversity Spotlight: Ty Thomas (L'01) plays long game in sports industry

Tyrone "Ty" Thomas (L'01) is an executive compensation and employment attorney in Holland & Knight's Washington, D.C., office whose expertise is on  educational institutions, trade associations and sports organizations and NCAA compliance.  He serves as Co-Chair of the firm's Sports Industry Team. He is an expert on complex legal issues in athletics, including NIL deals and protocols, enforcement investigations, the infractions process and appeals. He advises colleges on Title IX, employment contracts and policies for athletics personnel. In professional sports matters, he has experience advising teams on league compliance issues and other legal matters.

Thomas is also an advisor and frequent speaker through Tulane's Sports Law Program, speaking last year at the annual Entertainment and Sports Law Conference.

Thomas agreed to an interview with 2L Jasmine Williams (L'24), who is pursuing her JD and a certificate in sports law at Tulane and is on the board of the Women in Sports Law Symposium.

Williams is no stranger to sports -- she is a two-time graduate of Texas A&M University and a four-year member of their Women’s Basketball team, where she served as the women’s basketball representative on the student-athlete advisory council. Most recently, Williams has been interning with USA Soccer. 

Listen to their conversation: