Dean Meyer's Message: March 15

March 15, 2020

Dear Students  and Colleagues,

The past 24 hours have been packed with a number of important developments relating to the coronavirus, COVID-19.  I want to update you on these developments and how they will affect the Law School.

Most significantly, the University has announced (below) that employees who can effectively do their jobs from home should now do so.  While those whose presence on campus is deemed “critical” to the continuation of the University’s teaching and research mission will continue to report to work (with appropriate safety measures), all others should work from home for the time being.  This directive applies to faculty as well as staff:

               Staff:  It is expected that most staff members at the Law School will be able to work effectively from home.  Staff members whose presence on campus is considered “critical” will be contacted by their supervisors; others will transition to work at home.  If you need to do so, you may come into the office to gather supplies and materials you will need to work remotely.

               Faculty:  Faculty members may exercise their own judgment about whether their presence on campus is critical to their teaching and research.  Faculty are free to access their offices to teach or conduct research, but should limit their time in the building and contact with others.  Faculty who can effectively work from home should do so.

               Students:  Students may also need to access the building for academic purposes, but should also work from their homes to the extent possible.  As with any faculty and staff in the building, they should avoid congregating in groups and be mindful to maintain proper social distancing.

The move to remote working conditions at the Law School will necessarily require new approaches to many important services and operations.  But all functions – from career services and CLE to academic services, admissions, and financial administration – will remain in full operation, even if conducted mostly online or through interactions by phone or Zoom.  As with other campus libraries, the Law Library will remain open for research, but access and hours will be limited as necessary under the evolving conditions.

Tom Gerace and our crack IT staff, Lechice Jackson and Cailin Hawthorne, are geared up to support the migration to remote teaching and working.  Tom will follow up with additional information soon about how to access IT technical and user support remotely from wherever you are.

Weinmann Hall will remain open, but access will be restricted only to Tulane students, faculty, and staff using Splashcards.  I will follow up with more information regularly as conditions warrant, including on any University plans relating to facilities, campus mail, and other basic services. 

I know that the COVID-19 outbreak is causing unprecedented disruption and understandable concern for everyone.  Let me take the opportunity to thank all of you for the impressive spirit of cooperation and adaptability you’ve already demonstrated.  As with other significant challenges before, I know we will rise to this difficult occasion too.


David D. Meyer

Dean and Mitchell Franklin Professor of Law