Dean Griffin: COVID-19 has made our recruitment efforts more important than ever

As the country faced the challenges of COVID-19, Tulane Law sprung into action. In the office of Career Development and Diversity Initiatives (CDO), we knew that disruptions in life, online learning and the early end of in-person classes would impact all of our students, but perhaps our diverse students more deeply.

I am proud that Tulane’s CDO came together to make sure that in this difficult time Tulane Law School continues its legacy of supporting and empowering students from all backgrounds. We saw students for career counseling, as we always do, but planning for the future became a more intense topic.

We held a virtual town hall for diverse students in early April and the topics were the usual law school concerns: Summer classes, summer jobs and internships, new pro bono opportunities in the era of social distancing and Fall course planning. And, we were delighted to see that after a few weeks apart, what many wanted to do was connect and catch up. It was not a sad time, but an upbeat moment of watching these determined students planning for the future during uncertain times. It was inspiring.

Over the summer we’ll be implementing a recruitment effort as part of our work with the Sunbelt Diversity Recruitment Program, of which I am President. This year, we are encouraging employers (which range from firms, to nonprofits to government and corporations) to register and connect with diverse students from 17 law schools. Registration is now open, and once participating employers pay the registration fee, they will not only receive a packet of resumes from these students to interview in the coming months, but also they will be able to take part in the July, 2021 in-person recruitment program in Dallas. It’s a two-for-one opportunity, and I encourage all of our alums and legal employers to take part. Registration is available here

Connecting underrepresented students with opportunities for advancement, enrichment and networking is always a top priority. Now, with the additional economic uncertainty brought about by COVID-19, it is more important than ever to assist our Tulane Law graduates in taking the next step in their careers. I would urge alumni who have jobs or pro bono opportunities available for Tulane Law students or recent graduates to reach out to the Career Development Office

I am confident that our talented students and graduates are more than prepared to address the challenges brought about by this “new normal” and have the flexibility and tech know-how to stand as immediate assets to firms and non-profits. If you know of any opportunities, please let us know!

Above all, know that we are all in this together and we remain strongly committed to our alumni and the future lawyers who follow in their steps.

Stay well and safe,

Lezlie A. Griffin, 

Assistant Dean for Career Development & Diversity Initiatives