Kevin Schascheck

Forrester Fellow

(504) 862-8880
Office Address

Education & Affiliations

• B.S.; B.A. Indiana University South Bend
• J.D. University of Virginia School of Law


Kevin Schascheck is a Forrester Fellow at Tulane Law School. His research focuses on recent developments in Second Amendment jurisprudence, particularly as it relates to originalist methodologies and public safety. Past projects have focused on the use of history-and-tradition, the equitable adjudication of cases, and the role of adjudicative facts when evaluating modern firearm regulations. Ongoing projects relate to the law-fact distinction and recent trends in firearms law.

Prior to becoming a fellow, he clerked for the Honorable Judge Jones of the Western District of Virginia. Before that, he practiced law in Boston as a Corporate Associate at Choate Hall & Stewart, LLP.


Law, Facts & Guns (manuscript). 

The Expansive Sensitive Places Doctrine, The Limited Right to Keep and Bear Arms Outside the Home, 108:218 CORNELL L. REV. ONLINE 218 (2024). 

Recalibrating Bruen: The Merits of Historical Burden-Shifting in Second Amendment Cases, 2023 BELMONT L. REV. 38 (2023).