Expert in comparative private law and technology joins Tulane Law

Mateusz Grochowski, a renowned scholar on comparative private law and law and technology, has been appointed as Associate Professor of Law at Tulane Law School.

Grochowski comes to Tulane Law from the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law where he was a Senior Research Fellow. He also is an Affiliated Fellow of the Information Society Project at Yale Law School.

Grochowski focused his work on contract theory and consumer law in intersection with digital technologies and received scholarships and research grants from a number of institutions, including the Yale University and the European Commission. He has written extensively on contract law, comparative law, and consumer protection. He is also an expert on law and digital technologies, online platforms, including social media, and market regulation.

He has served as lecturer in private law at the Universities of Münster and Hamburg and as guest professor at the Università Bocconi in Milan. Additionally, he sits on the editorial board for the Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law and the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law.

At Tulane, Grochowski will teach Obligations II in the Fall.