
Annual Eason Weinmann Endowed Lecture

The Center invites eminent scholars from around the world to give the annual Eason Weinmann Endowed Lecture on questions of foreign and comparative law. Past speakers include Xavier Blanc-Jouvan (France), George C. Christie (Duke), Günter Frankenberg (Germany), Antonio Gambaro (Italy), Patrick Glenn (Canada), Ole Lando (Denmark), Sir Basil Markesinis (England), and Hein Kötz (Germany).

Collaborative Research

The Center provides a natural meeting point and a platform for a variety of collaborative research activities in all areas of foreign, comparative, international, and transnational law. Current projects include issues of global legal governance, the reform of Louisiana private law, and the effect of human rights protection on private relationships.


Tulane Law School has a long tradition in teaching foreign and comparative law, with regular offerings in the area. This expertise is today perhaps more relevant than ever before. The increasing use of comparative law in courtrooms is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Large enterprises across the globe are looking for lawyers with dual or - better still - multiple legal and linguistic qualifications, and even small or medium-sized companies who wish to take full advantage of regional or global markets depend on the advice of lawyers with a grounding in other legal systems. Regulators are confronted with increasing pressures to harmonize regulatory standards with other countries and trading blocks, or within the growing networks of international co-operation. This is changing the profile of tomorrow's lawyers. Tulane is the perfect place to prepare for these challenges. 

EWC Lunchtime Talks

Come to one of our occasional lunchtime talks on topical issues involving foreign, comparative or international law. Designed to foster interest in and discussion of alternative perspectives to a range of legal, political or historical themes, these events provide an informal setting in which to exchange ideas beyond the constraints of a rigid syllabus. The talks are open to all. No registration. No reading assignments. No exams.

Civil Law Commentaries

The Eason Weinman Center for International and Comparative Law is proud to host the Civil Law Commentaries, a student-edited publication primarily dedicated to the study of Louisiana's Civil Code and the state's long civil law tradition. The Commentaries are an online publication distributed free of charge.