Tetley Lecture

The Tetley Lecture is dedicated to the study of admiralty and maritime law.

Anselmo Reyes

Professor Anselmo Reyes (Professor of Legal Practice, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, second from right) delivered the 2017-2018 Tetley Lecture.


In 1999, the Maritime Law Center established the William Tetley Lecture in Maritime Law in honor of the late Professor William Tetley, a Professor at McGill Law School in Montreal. The Lecture was later endowed by a gift from Bill Tetley himself and continues to operate under the direction of the Maritime Law Center.

William Tetley was a distinguished Canadian maritime lawyer with a towering international reputation. He was the author of many widely-acclaimed books and articles on maritime law, including Marine Cargo Claims, and International Conflict of Laws: Common, Civil and Maritime. He had several distinguished careers, first as a practicing lawyer, then as a politician, and later as a professor at the faculty of law at McGill University in Montreal. From 1984 to 1998, he taught a mini-course each year in the admiralty program at Tulane University Law School, “going south each winter like a Canada goose,” as he always said. Professor Tetley passed away on Canada Day in 2014; he is fondly remembered by all who knew him.


Past Lecturers 

2019 Rear Admiral Steven Andersen
Judge Advocate General and Chief Counsel of the U.S. Coast Guard
2018 Professor Anselmo Reyes
Professor of Legal Practice, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
2017 Rear Admiral (Ret.) Frederick J. Kenney
Director of Legal Affairs and External Relations Division of the International
Maritime Organization
2016 Alexander von Ziegler (LLM `84)
Professor at the University of Zurich
Partner at Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd
2015 Justice Johanne Gauthier
Federal Court of Appeal of Canada
2014 Stuart Hetherington
President of Comité Maritime International
2013 Justice Bernard Eder
High Court of England and Wales
2012 Archie Bishop
Consultant for Holman Fenwick Willan
2010 Professor Charles Debattista
Professor of Commerical Law
Director of the Institute of Maritime Law at the University of Southampton
2010 Captain (Ret.) Gordan Van Hook
Senior Director of Innovation and Concept Development
Maersk Line Ltd
2009 Justice James Allsop
President of the New South Wales Court of Appeals
2008 Bruce Harris
Former President of the London Maritime Arbitration Assocaton
2007 Måns Jacobsson
Former Assistant Under-Secretary and Head of the Department for International Affairs
Swedish Ministry of Justice
2006 Mary Helen Carlson
Senior Attorney, Office of the Assistant Legal Advisor for Private International Law
U.S. Department of State
2005 Dr. Rosalie Balkin
Director of Legal Affairs and External Relations at the International Maritime Organization
2004 Professor Jan Ramberg
Professor of International Commercial Arbitration
Riga Graduate School of Law, Latvia
2003 Stephen Martin
Director and Head of Claims at Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association Ltd
2002 Justice David Steel
Judge of the Admiralty Court of the Queen’s Bench Division of the U.K. High Court of Justice
2001 Professor Hannu Honka
Professor of International Commercial Law and Chair of the Department of Law
Abo Akademi University, Finland
2000 Professor William Tetley
Professor of Law, McGill University
1999 Inaugural Address
Given by Professor William Tetley