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Maritime Law Society

The Maritime Law Society coordinates a number of activities including guest lectures by visiting practitioners and professors of maritime law, harbor tours, and visits to shipyards. The Society also awards a summer internship at the Center for Seafarers’ Rights in New York City to a first-year student every year, oversees a writing competition, and works in conjunction with the Maritime Law Center to welcome prominent admiralty lawyers to the campus for informal discussions relevant to the study and practice of Maritime Law.


President Ashleigh Higgs ahiggs@tulane.edu

Vice President Liam McCarthy lmccarthy@tulane.edu

Treasurer Tyler Samford tsamford@tulane.edu

Internal Membership Coordinator Joanna Grillo jgrillo@tulane.edu

Mentorship Coordinator Hailey Dennis hdennis@tulane.edu

Social Media Chair Melanie Cummings mcummings1@tulane.edu


Room 212