Tulane Law Connection June 2017: From the Dean's Suite

From the uncertain future of the Paris climate accord to the first-ever export of U.S. liquefied natural gas (from a Louisiana port, no less) to central Europe to emerging cyber threats against global power grids, a succession of headlines confirms that energy policy is central to the future stability and prosperity of the world.

Since its founding 170 years ago, Tulane Law School has stood apart from other law schools in understanding law in a global context. Louisiana’s unique civil law tradition has made New Orleans a natural laboratory for studying the interaction of different legal systems — and Tulane a leader in comparative and international law.

In the century to come, Tulane will assert new leadership in energy law as well, alongside its well-established prominence in the closely related fields of maritime and environmental law.

After an international search spanning more than a year, we are thrilled to welcome Kim Talus as the inaugural James McCulloch Chair in Energy Law and founding director of a new Center for Energy Law.

In Talus, perhaps Europe’s foremost scholar of energy law and a veteran and dynamic builder of energy law programs, we have found a perfect match for Tulane’s distinctive expertise and an ideal leader to leverage Tulane’s historic strengths to usher in the next dimension of Tulane’s global leadership.

Read more about him in the June Tulane Law Connection.