Tulane Law profesors address domestic violence at April 30 panel
The founders of Tulane Law School’s Women’s Prison Project join former colleague, law professor and newly-minted Loyola University President Tania Tetlow on an April 30 panel addressing domestic violence at the federal level.
Profs. Becki Kondkar and Katherine Mattes join Tetlow to discuss domestic violence in the context of federal litigation, an event that is sponsored by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana and the New Orleans Federal Bar Association.
Kondkar, Director of Tulane’s Domestic Violence Clinic, and Mattes, Director of the Criminal Justice Clinic, began the Women’s Prison Project to educate the legal community and those in the criminal justice system about the role domestic violence plays in crimes committed by women, their prosecution, conviction and incarceration.
Tetlow, who spent a decade as the director of Tulane’s Domestic Violence Clinic, will moderate the panel. Along with Kondkar and Mattes, other panelists include Professor Marcus Kondkar, Chair of Loyola University's Sociology Department and Professor Fred Buttell, Tulane School of Social Work. The panel will be available for 1.5 hours of CLE credit. It begins at noon at the U.S. District Courthouse, 500 Poydras St., New Orleans, Courtroom 501. There is no charge to attend and lunch will be provided.
To register email: DomesticViolence&FederalLitigationCLE@laed.uscourts.gov