Tulane Law School to host Sixth Annual Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property Colloquium, Fri. and Sat., Oct. 3 and 4, 2008

The Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property Colloquium was first held in October 2003. The brainchild of Dr. Lunney and Dr. Meurer, the WIP IP Colloquium follows a conference protocol that was common in the field of economics, but relatively unknown in the field of law at the time. Specifically, rather than invite speakers and request presentations related to a specific topic within the field of intellectual property, the WIP IP Colloquium allows any scholar working in the field of intellectual property to present their current research projects in order to obtain feedback on their work. Since its inception, the WIP IP Colloquium has attracted scholars from the United States, Canada, and Europe. It has attracted both new and well-established scholars, and has attracted some of the leading figures in intellectual property law, such as Mark Lemley and Wendy Gordon.


In order to encourage involvement from scholars at a variety of schools and across the country, the WIP IP Colloquium has moved to a new school each year. This fall Tulane will be the first school to host the Colloquium a second time. The Colloquium will run from roughly noon on Friday, October 3, 2008 until 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 4, 2008, and we expect more than fifty presentations of current research and scholarship projects related to the field of intellectual property from scholars and related professionals from this and other countries.

For more information on registration, paper deadlines, and hotel accommodations, please visit the 2008 Works-In-Progress Colloquium web site.