Tulane Maritime Law Center to host U.S. Coast Guard panel Oct. 5

A part of its celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Tulane Maritime Law Center, Tulane Law is hosting an evening U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law & Policy Advocacy panel Oct. 5.

The event, which is focused on law and policy at the port level, begins at 6 p.m. at Tulane Law’s John Giffen Weinmann Hall, Room 110, 6329 Freret Street, and is part of the Center’s 40th anniversary events.  The panel of U.S. Coast Guard leaders includes:

  • CAPT Kelly Denning, Sector Commander, Sector New Orleans;
  • CAPT Matthew Denning, Eighth Coast Guard District Outer Continental Shelf Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection;
  • CAPT Bryan Pape, Eighth Coast Guard District Staff Judge Advocate;
  • CDR Joe Hart, Sector New Orleans Chief of Prevention;
  • LCDR Jim Fothergill, Sector New Orleans Chief of Inspections.

Refreshments will follow the event in the law school’s multi-purpose room. The event is free and open to the public.

It will also be available via live stream on Zoom here.

Tulane Prof. Brian McNamara (LLM ’11) a law school alumnus and retired U.S. Coast Guard attorney, is leading the panel. McNamara, who is an adjunct maritime law professor at Tulane as well as the Associate Director of the Master of Public Administration Program at Tulane’s School of Professional Advancement, said the panel is a unique experience for both law students and policy advocates to understand issues facing port managers.

“Maritime attorneys and policy professionals must understand how to engage with regulators at the port level,” said McNamara. “Whether your practice will focus on Southeast Louisiana or on other maritime communities, this is an opportunity to engage directly with Coast Guard regulators with deep expertise in routine and emergent maritime issues at the intersection of ocean-going shipping and the inland waterway system.”

The panel is a unique opportunity for students, alumni and those in the maritime field to learn more about port-level policy and advocacy, which is not usually part of law school coursework.  The panelists featured all cover Southeast Louisiana waters, including New Orleans, and all work closely on issues important to the region. In addition, all the panelists have served at different ports and at different regional commands for the U.S. Coast Guard, bringing a wealth of experience to the regional operations and to the event.

To watch the event live via Zoom, go here.

The panel will discuss experiences dealing with industry attorneys and other policy advocates in New Orleans. Among the relevant topics will be looking at the best qualities of advocates and their strategies as well as pitfalls to avoid. The panel also will discuss the challenges of implementing national and sometimes international policies at the port level, and when attorneys should advocate at the port level and when at the national level.

As part of the Maritime Law Center’s 40th anniversary,  it is organizing a series of events throughout the year, including an Anniversary Lecture on Nov. 2, to be delivered by Judge Barry Ashe, of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.