Tulane Ranked 31st for Big Law Placement

Tulane Law School is ranked 31st in the National Law Journal’s 2023 list of the nation’s “Top 50 Go-To Law Schools.”

The NLJ Top 50 ranking is based on the percentage of recent law graduates hired by the nation’s 100 largest law firms.  Tulane rose 10 spots in this year’s NLJ ranking, up from 41st last year.

About a quarter of Tulane Law’s 2022 graduates were employed by law firms with more than 250 attorneys; nearly 20 percent of the class was hired by law firms with more than 500 lawyers.  This marks the fifth consecutive year of placement gains for Tulane Law graduates in the most competitive slice of the law firm market. 

Overall, the employment rate for Tulane Law’s 2022 class was just under 94 percent, with more than 86 percent employed in full-time, long-term legal jobs, for which bar passage is required or a J.D. degree is an advantage.  An additional 1 percent of the class went on to full-time advanced graduate study.