Tulane Law School offers affiliated appointments to outstanding Tulane University faculty members whose academic interests complement the Law School's academic mission.

Iñaki Alday
Dean, Richard Koch Chair in Architecture
Email: ialday@tulane.edu
Phone: 504.865.5392
Office: Richardson Memorial Hall

Mirya Holman
Associate Professor
Email: mholman@tulane.edu
Phone: 504.862.8316
Office: 310 Norman Mayer

Gary Hoover
Executive Director of the Murphy Institute
Email: ghoover@tulane.edu
Office: 105 Tilton Hall
Walter Isaacson
Professor of History
Email: isaacson@tulane.edu
Phone: 504.862.8602
Office: Hebert, Room 125

Dennis Kehoe
Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities
Email: kehoe@tulane.edu
Phone: 504.862.3082
Office: Jones Hall, Room 206B

Sally J. Kenney
Newcomb College Endowed Chair, Professor of Political Science
Executive Director, Newcomb College Institute
Email: skenney@tulane.edu
Phone: 504.865.5422
Office: 43 Newcomb Place

Nghana Lewis
Associate Professor of English
Louise & Leonard Riggio Professorship in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
Email: nlewis2@tulane.edu
Phone: 504.862.8958
Office: Norman Mayer Bldg 108

Nancy Maveety
Professor of Political Science
Email: nance@tulane.edu
Phone: 504.862.8300
Office: Norman Mayer Bldg W317

Steven Sheffrin
Professor of Economics & Director, Murphy Institute of Political Economy
Email: smsheffrin@tulane.edu
Phone: 504.865.5317
Office: 108 Tilton Hall