Women's Prison Project

Women's Prison Project client, Beatrice, at Starbucks holding up a "Team Beasy" t-shirt on the day of her release from Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women.

The Women’s Prison Project is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between Tulane’s Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice Clinics. The program provides legal representation to criminalized survivors of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and trafficking, with a particular focus on survivors charged or imprisoned after killing an abuser in self-defense or for having committed crimes under an abuser’s coercion or duress. Clinic students get hands-on legal training and the women receive representation on their legal cases.



“I would be happy working exclusively on these types of cases, with these women, because this kind of advocacy is clearly missing in framing innocence and what that means.” Claire Burkes (L ’20), Domestic Violence Clinic, legal aid attorney, Baton Rouge, LA

“Our purpose is to give these women the tools to help themselves. When my clients speak for themselves and are given the opportunity to do so, they save themselves, they dig themselves out of impossible situations.” Courtney Crowell (L ’19), Domestic Violence Clinic, admiralty and maritime attorney, New Orleans, LA