About the Journal

Mission & Scope

The Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law is a student-run scholarly publication dedicated to issues of international, transnational, and comparative law. Founded at Tulane University Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana, as an outgrowth of that institution's historical tradition, it remains a signpost in the academic world for international and comparative law.

The Journal is dedicated to discussing and debating all facets of international law, from human rights to transnational commerce to the historical evolution of current global law. One of the leading law reviews in international and comparative law, JICL was recently ranked twenty-first in the nation for international law journals by the ABA International Section and ranks in the top quarter of all law journals in the nation in terms of citation. 

The Journal publishes twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. One issue of each volume covers a variety of international legal topics, and the other issue is a special thematic issue, usually centered around an internationally related symposium. 

Editorial Team & Members

Members are second- and third-year law students at Tulane University. Senior members, with the help of junior members, manage and edit each issue for publication, teaching new members in the process. 

A list of current members and this volume's editorial team can be found here.


The Journal accepts submissions from leading academics, practitioners, and judges from around the world. Articles that assist in the research and resolution of legal issues are especially prioritized.

Please direct inquiries to jicl@tulane.edu. For more information, refer to our submissions page.


For information on subscriptions, click here.