Our Sports Law Program provides students with an unparalleled academic and extra-curricular experience necessary to understand and handle problems unique to the sports industry.
Tulane Law School was the first law school in the country to offer a certificate of concentration in sports law for JD students and has taken the lead to create a program that will enable students to understand and deal with the challenging legal and business problems regularly confronting the sports industry.
The Sports Law Program at Tulane Law School extends far beyond the classroom. The program has many different components, each designed to give students the opportunity to learn, experience, discuss and debate the application of law to the sports industry and to pursue a career in sports law. The combination of academic studies, networking and practical training in legal writing helps students hone the skills necessary to succeed during internships and professional opportunities in the sports industry.
Tulane's Certificate of Concentration in Sports Law for JD students is designed to give students the opportunity to learn, experience, discuss and debate the application of law to the sports industry and to pursue a career in sports law.
Writing Opportunities
Tulane Law School offers students the unique opportunity to produce and edit the Sports Law Journal, the annual legal journal of the Sports Lawyers Association.
In addition, two extracurricular writing opportunities are available to first-year students: The Sports Lawyer, a monthly electronic newsletter examining current legal issues in the sports world, and the Sports Law Weekly, a weekly electronic newsletter examining current events in the sports industry. Writers are selected annually based on a writing competition held in late September. Students analyze and synthesize various sources, including court filings, press reports, and judges' opinions to create brief, but informative and original articles. Articles are edited by two upper class students and Professor Feldman, and ultimately distributed to nationwide subscribers from the sports and legal communities.
Tulane students also have access to additional opportunities to publish in the field of sports law.
Extracurricular Activities
The Tulane Sports Law Society offers students opportunities to learn, experience, and debate the application of law to sports and pursue sports law careers. Sports law students organize and run highly popular national competitions in baseball arbitration and football contract negotiation, and Tulane hosts a sports-themed Mardi Gras Moot Court Competition during Mardi Gras season.
Career Development
Tulane Law's success in providing students with internship opportunities and placing graduates in law-related jobs in the highly competitive sports industry is widely recognized and bolstered by a growing network of supportive alumni and friends across the business.
Each year, the Sports Lawyers Association hosts a conference dedicated to the sports law industry. Tulane students may attend the conference for free. In addition to learning more about the complex legal issues impacting professional and amateur athletics and networking with industry professionals, sports law students have the opportunity to meet and interact with Tulane law alums in the sports law field at the annual Tulane Sports Law Alumni Reception held in the first evening of the SLA conference. The conference also offers CLE credits for alumni.
There are several other sports law conferences held throughout the year across the country. The following are only some of the many conferences held annually.
- College Sport Research Institute Conference
- Miami Symposium
- North American Society for Sport Management
- ABA Forum on Entertainment and Sports Industries
- Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Conference
- North American Sports, Entertainment, and IP Law Conference
- Mississippi Sports Law
- Sports Business Journal Conferences
Watch a WVUE-TV report featuring our Sports Law Program: